clipdash comedy videos - watch clips, write jokes, win badges

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Forfatter: Ludifi

Get your daily dose of funny videos with LMAO captions
Create your own comedy channels and and watch Twitter’s funniest trending videos
Drop your own LOL, OMG and XD gags into videos and win badges by getting friends to like them

• Hundreds of the latest videos in channels like Funny People, YouTubers, Sketches, Parody, Networks, Comedians on Twitter, Talk shows, WTF, Stand up, Toons, Pranks & fails and Vines
• Express your sense of humour with captions and amusing emoticons, then dash a clip over to friends to LMFAO at later
• Joke competitions for the funniest comments, voted by other people
• The best of irony and puns, farce and fails, sarcasm and satire
• Sign-up to get a free badge!

What users are saying about clipdash Comedy

"Watching videos recommended by top comedians, plus channels of Talk Show clips, spoofs and XD YouTubers: hashtag funny!" Fabio, 22, London

"All my favourite comedy stars from YouTube with funny banter. Awesome!" Joana, 21, London

"Can’t believe I won the joke competition this week! Thanks to my buddies for voting me to the top!" Ejaaz, 21, London